Saturday, April 14, 2018

Puzzle #62: What Was Black's Mistake?

Good evening fellow Takkers!

This week I decided to do a different type of puzzle. I had a fairly decent game against level 10 Flashbot during my lunch Monday. I thought about picking a single board state to make a "Best Move" puzzle out of, but then thought that it would be neat to have you guys figure out the biggest mistake that Flashbot made during the course of the game.

In addition to, or in place of a mistake, you can identify and post what you feel is the turning point of the game.

P.S. If you find any mistakes that I made during the game, I'd like to hear those, too. Ex:  Missed Tinue, sub-par movement/placement, etc.

P.P.S Let me know how you like this type of puzzle or if you have suggestions for what I post in the future.


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