Saturday, April 28, 2018

Puzzle #64: White to Play; White to Tinue

Hello Takkers!

Here's an End Game where I was messing around with FlashBot. Yes, you can win by placing your last stone. But, there is at least 1 good Tinue option available.

For the purpose of this puzzle, Tinue is defined as a board state in which no matter what the opposing player does during their turn (Black, in this instance), a road win will be awarded to the other player (White) on their next turn. If you are familiar with Chess, Tinue is very similar to Checkmate.

Please form your answer with PTN or a link to your solution via And, remember to add the r/Tak spoiler tag to your solution so as not to ruin it for others. To do this, put your answer in brackets and follow with (/spoiler). Ex:  [26. a3- Sa3](/spoiler).

To narrow things down to a single solution for this puzzle, I am looking for the board state of Tinue achieved in 3 moves (this would mean the win would occur in 5 moves).

I believe all responses by Black are singular and forced. If the response is not singular and forced, then any response results in the same following move by White or the defensive moves by Black have ready responses by White and those defense/offense pairs are interchangeable in regards to order. Of course, I could have made a that case, let me know so I can fix it or, at least, apologize.

There are a couple other Tinue options that are not far off; you are welcome to post those as well.


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