Saturday, September 8, 2018

Puzzle #80: Find White's Blunder

Good evening, everyone!

Tonight's puzzle is a bit different. It's a game that I played against TakticianBot in the middle of this week. I ended up salvaging a draw out of it, but I should have won...except for that one thing :)

So, your challenge is to find that "one thing". Or, maybe I missed more than one (sometimes I have major blind spots when reviewing my own games).

Did I miss a Tinue? Did I misread a board state? Did I make a bad placement?

What was White's Blunder?

I have a specific blunder in mind, which I noticed as soon as I made it, but maybe yours will blow mine out of the water.

Please form your answer with PTN or a link to your solution via Also, be sure to use the spoiler tag so as not to ruin it for later puzzle solvers.

UPDATE:  The Reddit site has updated and the newer version does not recognize the older spoiler tag - " [spoiler text](/spoiler) ". The new version has it's own spoiler tag " >! spoiler text !< ". Unfortunately, the new spoiler tag does not work on the old Reddit. So, for the time being, since we have community members using both new and old Reddit, both tags need to be used. I found a way to nest these spoiler tags:

>! [spoiler text](/spoiler) !<

Ex:  >![35. a3> 3b2+](/spoiler)!<

I know it's a bit of a pain, but eventually, we should be able to switch over to the new tag only.

Let me know if you enjoy this type of puzzle. If not, what would you like to see more of?

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