Saturday, September 22, 2018

Puzzle # 82: Black to Play; Black to Tinue

Good evening, all!

This week's puzzle is not a game I played, but one I happened to catch on

Black has managed to gain the upper hand and is closing in on Tinue. Tinue board state should be reached in 3 moves; meaning the actual win comes in 5 moves.

For the purpose of this puzzle, Tinue is defined as a board state in which no matter what the opposing player does during their turn (White, in this instance), a road win will be awarded to the other player (Black) on their next turn. If you are familiar with Chess, Tinue is very similar to Checkmate.

I believe all responses by White are singular and forced. If not, then whatever move White makes does not affect the next move by Black. If I messed up, please let me know so I can correct it or apologize.

Please form your answer with PTN or a link to your solution via Also, be sure to use the spoiler tag so as not to ruin it for later puzzle solvers.

UPDATE:  The Reddit site has updated and the newer version does not recognize the older spoiler tag - " [spoiler text](/spoiler) ". The new version has it's own spoiler tag " >! spoiler text !< ". Unfortunately, the new spoiler tag does not work on the old Reddit. So, for the time being, since we have community members using both new and old Reddit, both tags need to be used. I found a way to nest these spoiler tags:

>! [spoiler text](/spoiler) !<

Ex:  >![35. a3> 3b2+](/spoiler)!<

I know it's a bit of a pain, but eventually, we should be able to switch over to the new tag only.


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