Saturday, January 19, 2019

Puzzle #98: White to Play; Tinue Avoidance

Hello, Takkers!

2 weeks until the contest! Keep an eye out for another Reddit post highlighting a second set of custom capstone prizes!

As stated last week, I was looking for a puzzle from one of the other categories besides Tinue to post this week. In my search, I forced a couple games to go to flats, which I may use next week. But, I also played a game against one of the bots on where I ended up with a nice Tinue Avoidance puzzle.

This puzzle has two stages to it. The first stage is to find a way to keep Black from completing their road (Tinue Avoidance). The second stage is to find a way to continue that branch and make White win (Tinue). So, it's a complete swing of the pendulum; something that makes Tak super exciting to play and watch!

For those new to my puzzles, I try my best to post one every Saturday night (EST) and respond to answers Sunday morning. They are usually one of the following types: Tinue (game ending via forced road), Tinue Avoidance (is there a way out?), Gaelet (game ending via flat count), and Best Move (what would you do, and why?).

For those unfamiliar with the term, Tinue is defined as a board state in which no matter what the opposing player does during their turn (Black, in this instance), a road win will be awarded to the other player (White) on their next turn. If you are familiar with Chess, Tinue is very similar to Checkmate.

Please form your answer with PTN or a link to your solution via Also, be sure to use the spoiler tag so as not to ruin it for later puzzle solvers.

** I have noticed some people commenting directly to my blog post when answering puzzles. I would kindly ask that you post your answers on the appropriate post on the Reddit page for Tak (r/tak). This will make it easier for me to respond in a timely manner. On that note, I would like to also apologize to those same people for my delayed replies.

The new Reddit spoiler tag is shown below:


Ex:  >!35. a3> 3b2+!<

Thank you and enjoy!!

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