Saturday, March 16, 2019

Puzzle #105: White's Blunder

Hello, Takkers!

I had a crazy work week, and also wanted to change things up just a bit, so, I'm trying a new kind of puzzle from a very quick game against IntuitionBot I played after dinner tonight.

The goal of this puzzle is to find White's biggest blunder during the game. This could be something like a weak stone placement, an inappropriate capture, a missed Tinue opportunity, etc. Please go into at least a little detail with your answer. Enough so others can see your thought process for your choice.

For those new to my puzzles, I try my best to post one every Saturday night (EST). They are usually one of the following types: Tinue (game ending via forced road), Tinue Avoidance (is there a way out?), Gaelet (game ending via flat count), and Best Move (what would you do, and why?).

Please form your answer with PTN or a link to your solution via Also, be sure to use the spoiler tag so as not to ruin it for later puzzle solvers.

** I have noticed some people commenting directly to my blog post when answering puzzles. I would kindly ask that you post your answers on the appropriate post on the Reddit page for Tak (r/tak). This will make it easier for me to respond in a timely manner. On that note, I would like to also apologize to those same people for my delayed replies.

The new Reddit spoiler tag is shown below:


Ex:  >!35. a3> 3b2+!<

Thank you and enjoy!!

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